Showing posts with label oscha. Show all posts
Showing posts with label oscha. Show all posts

Friday, July 12, 2013

7/10 Monthly Meeting

I (Paula) was unable to attend this last meeting, but one of our leaders, Jillian, summarizes it here, complete with pictures!

This month our meeting was held at Nancy Lewis Park.  Our topic this month was pouch slings.  We also decided to start doing a carry of the month (COTM). Our carry this month is Double Rebozo Shoulder to Shoulder.

Marcia led the discussion on pouch slings.  In addition to a fabulous demonstration on how to do a front and back carry with one, she discussed the pros and cons.  Pouch slings are an easy, inexpensive way to venture into the babywearing world.  They are also very portable, they fold up very small and are great for keeping in the car or diaper bag.  They are also relatively simple to use.  The most frustrating thing about a pouch is that finding the right size.  They are also not very adjustable, although the shoulder can be folded over to tighten the top rail.

The carry of the month, Double Rebozo Shoulder to Shoulder (DRS2S) was very well received.  It is a nice back carry because it can be tied off almost immediately, making Little One more secure while the passes are being completed.  We had several brave mamas willing to give it a try and many have tried it at home too.  We would love to see pictures, please post them to our facebook group. :)

Trying out Ash

Stella is successful with DRS2S
Aris & Niki
Marcia assisting Melissa with the COTM
Isabel also has success
Melissa, another success
Melissa & Cora perfecting Double Hammock
Isabel and Laney
Enjoying the shade
More shade and babies

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Where We Wore in April

Kate B. PCS-ed away from us earlier this month, but here she is in front of
White House, with her daughter in her Oscha Starry Night Forget Me Not
wrap conversion mei tai by Blissful Squish.

Lizzy D. and her husband Richard took their daughters and their
Ardent Tula to visit Mount Rushmore!  

Erica N. wore her toddler in a Kinderpack in Prague,
where she is a missionary.

Rebekha R. tandem wore her kiddos in an Earthy Bliss Wrapture (made from a
Lenny Lamb woven wrap)and a Didymos Lisca Azzurro at the Grand Canyon!

Cora K. took her daughter to the beach in California in a Kanaluti
KoKaDi Diorite Stars wrap conversion half-buckle.
Avelynn M. found her Didymos Katja handy during their trip to California!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Playdate at Ye Olde Castlewood Park

Stella K. and Jillian D. listen intently to Kristen M's story.
Kate B. wears her daughter in Didymos Tussah India tucked under her jacket
while pushing her toddler on the swings.

Lauren M. wears her 12-day-old newborn in a Moby wrap.  

Future babywearers discuss the merits of the Oscha.
(Photo and caption by Kristen M.)