Showing posts with label lenny lamb. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lenny lamb. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Where We Wore in April

Kate B. PCS-ed away from us earlier this month, but here she is in front of
White House, with her daughter in her Oscha Starry Night Forget Me Not
wrap conversion mei tai by Blissful Squish.

Lizzy D. and her husband Richard took their daughters and their
Ardent Tula to visit Mount Rushmore!  

Erica N. wore her toddler in a Kinderpack in Prague,
where she is a missionary.

Rebekha R. tandem wore her kiddos in an Earthy Bliss Wrapture (made from a
Lenny Lamb woven wrap)and a Didymos Lisca Azzurro at the Grand Canyon!

Cora K. took her daughter to the beach in California in a Kanaluti
KoKaDi Diorite Stars wrap conversion half-buckle.
Avelynn M. found her Didymos Katja handy during their trip to California!